Saturday, March 28, 2009

You don't know me so don't judge me

I am going to be quite frank, and it has nothing to do with anything my readers have said. It has to do with how rude some people are. I am online quite a bit. I am especially fond of chatting. It is a good way of meeting new people and learning from them. It is also a good procrasination tool.

The problem that I seem to have is running into people who believe in discipline, whether it be a domestic discipline relationship or not. Normally, females aren't so bad and are okay with simply chatting. The males on the other hand are a completely different story. There are a few out there who are willing to chat and wait until they have known you for a while before they try to submit any other ideas.

There are a few males out there, however, that think so highly of themselves that the only reason anyone would want to chat with them is because they are need of discipline and are seeking help from them. Then, they get all high and mighty when people are not willing to agree to either their ideals or to submit to their off the wall discipline.

I will admit that I am on the heavy side. If you ever met me in person, you would know I don't have a problem with it. I can do a lot of things that several skinny people can't, and it amazes me because you would think that they would be in better shape than I. I, do however, have a wonderful personality, and tons of people like me. Quite frankly, I don't need someone's approval who has never met me.

I think part of the problem is we have too many boys trying to be doms when all they are is little boys. It takes a true man to be a dom. I am not online because I need judgement. I get plenty of that in my daily life. I am not online because I need someone else to tell me what I am doing wrong and how I should behave. I already have people for that.

If you're not capable of leading in real life, you need to quit trying to run all over people online. It doesn't take long before your true colors show through. Subs and doms alike can tell when someone is being fake. When you're trying to give out punishments because the software is bad, you're not a leader. You're attempting to get your jollies at someone else's expense, and it won't be at mine.

For those of you who have understood me and have given me support, thank you. It's genuinely appreciated.

Friday, March 20, 2009

Still owe two

The four spankings that I owed started onMonday. After getting the first one out of the four, I was sent to the corner for fifteen minutes. Have I ever told you how much I hate the corner? It is an awfully boring place. However, it served the purpose that M was wanting. It got me to thinking, and I probably spend way too much time on the internet, which I have decided I am going to work on.
School has a tendency to wear me out. I get too frustrated, and I don't get enough sleep. I went down to get my laundry out of the basement. Usually, after a spanking, I get very calmed down and contrite. Usually, I stay this way at least a couple of days. However, I quickly got aggrevated,and basically, asked for another spanking. It did the trick, and I felt alot better. Unfortunately, I don't think it counts towards my four.
Tuesday, I got a second one. Thankfully, no corner time. Wednesday and Thursday I didn't get one at all. So I still owe two more. Translation. Three days of spanking in a row if we do tonight and Saturday because I still have a maintance spanking on Sunday. Maybe, M will forget about it.

Saturday, March 14, 2009

In for it now.....

I don't know what happened. I thought I had studied enough. Apparently not. Now, I am in hot water. I am currently home visiting my parents for Spring Break. Safe for now. However, I know when I return to school. I am going to be sorry that I wasn't more attentive.
Last week, I managed to fail three tests, and I didn't turn in a homework assignment. I am not really worried about the homework assignment. The teacher will let me turn that in late. I'll just turn it in with the next chapter. The thing that worries me about the homework is I fessed up to M about it. So now instead of having three spankings waiting for me, I have four. Much to the delight and disappointment of my rear which will be taking them, he is spreading them out over the week so I don't have to pay up all at once. However, I am sure that my rear is going to be wishing that he had spread them over a couple of weeks instead of a couple of days.
To make it even better, I have to sit on this awful stool for lab on Tuesday. I've never had a spanking the night before going to lab. However, the stool hurts enough on it's own. The teacher usually spends the first 45 minutes of the lab lecturing and giving a quiz. The moment she allows us to start with the experiment I jump out of my seat and spend the whole entire rest of the time standing. I can only imagine how much worse it is going to be with having a sore rear before going to lab. Not looking forward to that at all.

On another note, M has decided that we need maintance. :( I am not looking forward to it at all. On a good note, it is only once a week and doesn't start until next Sunday. On the other hand, I really don't want maintance. M doesn't understand why if I don't like the idea of maintance why I am not fighting against. Truth be told, I don't think it would do any good if I did.
I can get a horrible attitude which M doesn't like at all. It's not that I get nasty and start yelling and cussing at him. It's usually more of I don't feel like doing schoolwork anymore. I don't care that I have a quiz tomorrow type of behavior. Sometimes, it will carry over into me kind of backtalking M.
For example,
Me: I don't want to do my physics homework.
M: When's it due?
Me: Tonight. In about three hours.
M: You better get it done.
Me: I don't want to it. It's stupid, and most of the problems are unsolvable.
M: I bet they are solvable. Go do your homework, and I'll talk to you when it's done.

An hour later
M: Did you get it done?
Me: No.
M: Then why are you calling me?
Me: Because it's stupid, and I am getting nowhere.
M: Do you need a spanking?
Me: No.
M: I think you might need a spanking to help you get it done.
Me: No. I don't need or want one.
M: Then, go finish your homework.

Almost this exact conversation has led to me getting a spanking in the past. Not because I didn't get the homework done, but because I had a sorry attitude about doing it. M says he's found a pattern of me having a crappy attitude, me getting a spanking, and the attitude going away for a while. He is opening to avoid it all together by just settting maintence.

Sunday, March 8, 2009


I don't know if anyone else reads the Loving Domestic Discipline site, but I have a few issues with the site. I check on the site every couple of days to see if anyone has posted any new comments since it doesn't show whether or not comments have been posted recently.
Every once and a while there will be someone on there that I think is totally off the wall. Occasionally, I agree with someone. I understand that everyone has their own way of doing things. You can't apply the same set of rules and standards for everyone.
If you haven't read the comments recently, I highly suggest you do. My post might make more sense. Two of the most recent comments involve maintance discipline. Both are highly recommended.
I am not particularly fond of maintance discipline, but I can see where it can work well for some people. However, I think that both women are a lot braver than I am. I would throw up my hands, stomp my feet, pack my bags, and leave.
The one guy does daily maintance and doesn't do it very hard. Okay, so I guess it's not that bad, especially considering the fact that she wrote in another section about how much good it does her. In fact, I believe she posted the day before he did.
The other guy I know for a fact that I wouldn't put up with that. I would run home to my mother in a heart beat. He only does it twice a week. How nice of him. However, he believes in being strict and even maintance is harsh. Unless she is spanked to tears, her maintance isn't considered to be effective.
I am not a crier when it comes to physical pain unless it is an extreme pain. Under this guy, I would be turned into hamburger meat. Honestly, why does anyone put up with that?
Lord knows I can get my own butt enough trouble without having the excruiciating pain of someone trying to strip the flesh off of my rear just to try to ensure that I behave.

Monday, March 2, 2009

Stupid Class

All I have to say is go me. Okay, that's not true. I actually have a good bit to say, but I want to start out by once again saying, GO ME!!!!! I managed to go all week without getting in trouble. There was one or two times where he asked if I needed one, but thankfully, it didn't get to that point.
M has also made me start keeping a chart. I am suppose to study two hours per week per subject. When I mark off a class, I am suppose to text him. That was something new that he started last week. If it isn't done by 7 PM on Sunday, I can expect a session with the hairbrush. I am not liking the chart at all. It shouldn't be that big of a deal, but I felt pressed to get it done this weekend when there were a thousand things that I would have rather have been doing. I guess that is sort of the point though: to get me to quit procrasinating so much and pay more attention to my schoolwork. Funny, how implementing some sort of study plan was my idea. Stupid me. Someone remind me the next time that I want to work on something not to bring it up to M.
An issue that M and I disagree on is bedtime. It's not that I stay up all night partying or doing whatever. In fact, most nights I am in bed an hour or two before bedtime, which is midnights on school nights and two on Friday and Saturday. Most days I don't have a problem with this. I am usually spent by ten at night anyhow, no matter what day of the week it is. However, some nights work requires me to be up past bedtime or friends will want to go do something. I was luck enough to get wonderful friends that are nightowls.
Yesterday, one of my friends turned 21, and some of them were getting together to celebrate. I told them that if they needed me to I would go get them some more vodka. I'd rather me go get it than for one of them to try to drive after drinking. I asked M for extension until 3, which he thought was way too late. His condition was that I could have it in addition to the extension that he gave me for Wednesday that he couldn't recall. However, there was the stipulation that if I was late for classes today because I overslept because of staying up too late, I would be spanked.
Well, I went to bed right after I even got off the phone to M at around ten last night. I figured that if they needed something they could just call me and I would go. I was way too tired just to stay up and wait for them to call. They never did call.
I, however, was late to class. M eventually texted me today and asked me if I was late. I replied back, "yes, but not for the reason we discussed". Quite frankly, I am almost always a minute or two late for that class. Mondays are hectic days at work so I haven't heard anything else from him since I sent my reply. Unfortunately, Monday nights when he gets off of work are always busy for me. I always have meetings. Hopefully, the last meeting will be relatively short as I am sure M will want to talk about it.
I would like to say that I will be able to talk myself out of a spanking, but I have a good feeling that even if I manage to get him not give one for the account of bedtime I will be getting another for being late on a reoccuring basis. I'll let you know how it goes.