Tuesday, December 9, 2008

Let Me Call You Back

It may sound extremely childish on my part, but one of my pet-peeves happens to be when someone tells me that they will call me back and never does. Sometimes, I get the feeling that the person doesn't want anything to do with me anymore. I know it shows insecurity and childishness, but some of these people have slowly started to withdraw themselves from me. What else am I suppose to think?
With others, I worry if they are okay. My mother has severe health problems. She will call me, and then she will suddenly get sick. When she doesn't call me back, I worry that they have had to hospitalize her again or something worse. Luckily, she usually just either went to bed or got distracted. It still makes me worry.
So I guess what I am trying to say is if you tell someone that you will call them back, call them back.

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